Climbing is the STEM of Sports

STEM has been the biggest buzzword in schools for the past decade. A STEM-based education combines the core subjects of science, technology, engineering, and math, in practical projects that are applicable to real life scenarios. It is functional knowledge at its core, and the kids studying in a STEM-based curriculum are the best prepared to compete in the most innovative and lucrative fields. 

Climbing is the STEM equivalent for sports. It combines Strength, Technical prowess, Evaluational skills, and Mental fortitude into one activity. Students develop both functional strength and life skills when climbing. When climbers go out into the working world they will be better adept to handling whatever situation they are placed in.

Here is a further breakdown for climbing STEM:


Climbing builds functional muscle, which means that it can be used for a wide variety of exercises/tasks outside of the sport. Shoulders, back, core, and legs are all used in conjunction with one another to complete the a problem. Each climb is different, which helps to build a larger set of fundamental movement skills (FMS) that are essential for child development. Building core strength will also help to prevent future injury because it is the base for all exercises.

Technical prowess

You can have all the strength in the world, but if you do not use it correctly then it goes to waste. In climbing you learn very fast that the tiniest adjustments in technique can make it far easier to climb. The more you learn, the more efficient you can become on the wall. You can take all the technique gained and start learning how to build a strategy before you get on the wall. This makes you more prepared and effient. 

Evaluational skills

Climbing takes time to get better at, just like learning an instrument. Every time you fall off a climb, you have to reflect on why and what. Why did I come off the wall? What do I have to change in order to not fall off next time? Learning to grow from failure builds perseverance. Failure teaches you what not to do, and what to change to get to your finish point. 

Mental fortitude

There are times in climbing when what you are doing seems daunting, and you have to train your mind to steady itself in order to think clearly and precisely. On the wall you learn to trust in your skills and strength, and learn to commit to the movements. It teaches you that falling is not a bad thing, it's a way to grow and to better oneself. The brain is a muscle and you have to work at making it stronger in order to succeed in everyday life. 

Climbing is an amazing activity for kids, and it builds skills that are useful for many other challenges in life. Challenge yourself and come climbing, you will learn a lot. 

Happy Climbing!

Kevin Allen